Thursday, July 22, 2010

TikiWaxx - Summer

Summer is here, well almost. June gloom has extended into July so we are overcast and cool. A little bit of rain this morning to top it off. I am looking forward to our typical summer getting underway.

Just picked up some TikiWaxx, pretty fun idea. It looks good and works. Only $1.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sounds of Waves

Man I've neglected the blog. Sorry for that. We are having a DVD showing tonight, 7PM, at the shop. Snacks and drinks while they last. Bring a chair and hang with us this evening.

Sounds of Waves is a 3 year global surf odyssey filmed and directed by Luke Thorpe. This film brings together musician and surfer unlike any other. Great surfing and great music. What else is there?